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Xi'an reports hemorrhagic fever cases
Published on: 2021-12-20
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Since the beginning of winter, Xi'an, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province has recorded a series of hemorrhagic fever cases, a natural epidemic disease with a high fatality rate. Medical experts said that rodents are the main source of infection, and called on the public not to panic as vaccinations can effectively prevent and control the disease, while human-to-human transmission is basically impossible.

A medical staff member at the infection unit of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University said that the hospital admitted a patient with non-life-threatening hemorrhagic fever in the past few days.

Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak in Xi'an, many hospitals with infection units have temporarily stopped receiving patients and are only attending to patients infected with COVID-19, said the staff member.

According to media reports, hemorrhagic fever is a common infectious disease in northern China. Starting from October every year, some areas of Shaanxi enter the high incidence season of hemorrhagic fever.

In recent years, the virus institute of the Shaanxi Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed local infections in Xi 'an by widespread field investigations and laboratory neutralization antibody detection and identification.

Experts said that hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, also known as epidemic hemorrhagic fever, is caused by Hantavirus, with rodents as the main source of infection.

It can be transmitted by a mouse bite, by eating food or water that a mouse has crawled over, or by contact with infected mouse blood, urine or feces.

Humans are generally susceptible to the disease, and the incidence is high among farmers who often work in the field, or workers engaged in the agricultural industry and food processing.

Hemorrhagic fever is an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, bleeding and renal damage, and it can lead to death in serious cases.

Preliminary symptoms of epidemic hemorrhagic fever and common flu are similar. As a result, many patients may think it is a common cold by mistake. Medical experts in Xi'an urged patients to have treatment in a timely manner due to the onset of hemorrhagic fever and its rapid progress.

Zhou Zijun, a public health expert at Peking University, said there is no need to panic and it is less likely that China will have a big outbreak of the disease.

Epidemic haemorrhagic fever has at times been serious in China, so the medical response strategy has matured. Tests, targeted drugs and effective vaccines are available for the disease, medical experts said.

Also, experts noted although there are a couple of routes of transmission, the two main sources of infection are rattus norvegicus and apodemus agrarius. Neither is common in cities.

The disease has obvious regional and seasonal characteristics. People living in rural areas have more exposure to rats. People who live in urban areas are much less at risk of encountering hantavirus, have less need to panic, and have no need to kill their children's pet rats, experts said.


今年入冬以来, 西安各大医院已相继接诊多例出血热患者。由于流行性出血热早期症状和普通流感较相似,所以不少患者会误以为是普通的感冒。



肾综合征出血热,简称出血热,是 由鼠类携带病毒并传播引起的一种自然疫源性疾病。西安市是出血热的老疫区也是重点疫区,一年四季均可发病,每年有两个发病高峰,4~6月 (或5~7月)会出现一个小高峰,在10月~次年1月会出现一个大高峰,现在正值出血热发病的高峰期,因此冬季要做的事,防范出血热不能少。

出血热可以通过接触、呼吸道、消化道、螨媒、垂直等多途径传播。 最常见的是接触带出血热病毒动物的排泄物(唾液、尿液、粪便等)而感染,或摄入被带毒鼠类污染的食物、水等而感染发病。

不同性别、年龄、职业人群对本病普遍易感, 主要人群为男性青壮年,在田间、野外、建筑工地工作的人群更容易得出血热。

需要特别注意两点:第一, 人与人之间是不传染的。第二, 并不是只要接触到鼠类排泄物或者被老鼠咬后就一定会发病,这与老鼠的种类和是否带毒有关。西安市的主要带毒老鼠是黑线姬鼠,属于野鼠,鼠背有条很明显的黑线,个头不大,一般出没在郊县水源附近的田间、野地,带毒率较高;城区出没的老鼠,也就是我们一般在家里看到的老鼠为小家鼠、褐家鼠,带毒率较低。


出血热的临床表现主要以发热、休克、充血、出血和急性肾功能衰竭为主。一般临床分为五期,即发热期、低血压休克期、少尿期、多尿期、恢复期。潜伏期一般为7-14天,以两周多见。 在发病初期,大多病人的临床表现像感冒、发烧,容易忽视。

西安疾控提醒, 在冬季发病高峰期间,如果出现感冒、发烧,一定要警惕出血热,立即去正规医院进行救治,以免延误治疗。做到早发现、早休息、早治疗和就近治疗,可显著降低病死率。

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